

1. Cilt - Siyaset

An Overview of The Ottoman History
An Overview of The Ottoman History

Prof. Dr. Halil İnalcık [s.3-90]


Chronology of The Ottoman Empire

Prof. Dr. Halil İnalcık [s.91-104]


The Emergence of The Ottoman “Beylik”
Filling The Black Hole: The Emergence of The Bithynian Atamanates

Prof. Dr. Colin J. Heywood [s.107-115]


Between Seljuks, Mongols and Ottomans

Prof. Dr. Rudi Paul Lindner [s.116-122]


Role of The Oghuz-Türkmen Tradition In The Formation of Ottomans

Asst. Prof. Dr. Üçler Bulduk [s.123-129]


The Ottoman Balkans As Frontier, Borderland and Core

Asst. Prof. Dr. Peter Mentzel [s.130-137]


Ottomans’ Transition to Rumelia and The First Conquests

Asst. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Sezgin [s.138-143]


Timurid Period of Anatolia

Prof. Dr. İsmail Aka [s.144-150]


The Architecht of The Rise From State to Empire: Mehmed II and Selim I
Fatih Sultan Mehmed: “The Sultan of The Two Continents and Two Seas”
External Expansion and Internal Growth of The Ottoman Empire Under Mehmed II: A Brief Discussion of Some Contradictory and Controversial Aspects of The Conqueror’s Legacy

Prof. Dr. Rhoads Murphey [s.155-163]


The Shadow of The Crescent: Christian Espionage In The Turkish Territory After The Fall of Constantinoples

Dr. Enrico Basso [s.164-170]


The Ottoman Venetian Frontier (15th-18th Centuries)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Pia Fabris [s.171-177]


Yavuz Sultan Selim: “Hadim-ül Harameyn”
Precautions of The Ottoman State Against Shah Ismail’s Attempt to Convert Anadolu (Anatolia) to Shia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Küçükdağ [s.181-193]


The Relations Between Sultan Selim I and Egypt In The Sixteenth Century

Dr. Kamaruzaman Yusoff [s.194-198]


Mamluk “Revivals” and Mamluk Nostalgia In Ottoman Egypt

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jane Hathaway [s.199-206]


The Ottoman Conquest of Georgia and The Islamising Movements In The 16th Century

Nebi Gümüş [s.207-217]


The Zenith of The Empire: Sultan Süleyman The Magnificent
The Lands Under The Rule of The Ottomans

Prof. Dr. Ramazan Özey [s.221-226]


The Status of The “Kharaj-Güzarlar”. A Case Study: Wallachians, Moldavians and Transylvanians In The Fifteenth to 17th Centuries

Prof. Dr. Viorel Panaite [s.227-238]


Kanuni Sultan Süleyman, Barbaros Pasha and Charles V: The Mediterranean World

Miguela A. Bunes [s.239-244]


Maghreb History During The Ottoman Period

Prof. Dr. Ercüment Kuran [s.245-247]


The Dominance and Influence of The Ottoman Empire On The African Continent

Dr. Ahmet Kavas [s.248-258]


The Conquest and Settlement of Cyprus

Dr. Recep Dündar [s.259-274]


Unity and Diversity In Political Culture: Muslim Empires of 16th Century Eurasia: Ottomans, Mughals, Safavids and Uzbeks

Dr. Nurten Kılıç-Schubel [s.275-284]


Ottoman Relations With Europe In The Seventeenth Century
The Ottoman-Habsburg Frontier In Hungary (1541-1699): A Comparison

Asst. Prof. Dr. Gabor Agoston [s.287-296]


Prelude to The “Long War” (1593-1606) Some Notes On Ottoman Foreign Policy In 1591-1593

Dr. Pal Fodor [s.297-301]


The Role of The Chrimean Tatars In The Habsburg-Ottoman War (1593-1606)

Dr. Maria Ivanics-Ress [s.302-310]


Early Ottoman Crete

Asst. Prof. Dr. Molly Greene [s.311-316]


Early Ottoman-Dutch Relations

Bülent Arı [s.317-324]


The Relations of The Ottomans with Caucasia and Central Asia
The Turkestan Policy of The Ottoman Empire

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Saray [s.327-335]


The Ottoman Empire and The Bolshaya Orda” (Taht Eli): Political Relations In The Second Half of The 15th and The beginning of The 16th Centuries”

Dr. Ilia V. Zaitsev [s.336-342]


Relations Between The Chienese Muslims and The Ottomans at The End of The 19th and The Beginning of The 20th Century

Arzu Ocaklı [s.343-349]


The Caucasus and The Ottoman Empire (16th-20th Centuries)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Budak [s.350-370]


Ottoman Empire In The European Leage of States Dimensions of Politicals Dissolutions

The Ottoman Empire In The Eighteenth Century

Prof. Dr. Norman Itzkowitz [s.375-381]


Ottoman Migration, Ethnopolitics and The Formation of Nation-States

Prof. Dr. Kemal Karpat [s.382-398]


Ottoman-Russian Relations In The Caspian Region In The 18th Century

Prof. Dr. Mustafazade Tevfik Teyyüboğlu [s.399-408]


The Ottoman Empire and European Alliances, 1815-1914

Prof. Dr. F. Abdullah Khan Yasamee [s.409-417]


The Reforms of Sultan Mahmud II (1808-1839)

Dr. Zahra Zakia [s.418-426]


British Support for Mustafa Resid Pasha and His Reforms According to British Sources at The Public Records Office

Asst. Prof. Dr. Turgut Subaşı [s.427-432]


Russia and Turkey: From Geopolitical Rivalry to Co-Operation

Dr. Igor Karpeyev [s.433-440]


The Attitude of The European States During The Greek (Rum) Revolt

Asst. Prof. Dr. Meral Bayrak [s.441-457]


European-Ottoman Relations In The Nineteenth Century: The Visit of Sultan Abdülaziz to Europe

Dr. Ayşe Judy Upton-Ward [s.458-468]


The Question of Minorities
The Orientation of The Istanbul Armenian Patriarchate Towards The Independence Movements (1850-1896)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Davut Kılıç [s.471-477]


Application of The Reforms Regarding The Armenians 1895-1897

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Musa Şaşmaz [s.478-486]


Christian Minorities and The Final Stage of The Ottoman Empire

Prof. Dr. Salahi Sonyel [s.487-491]


The Development of Arab Nationalism In The Ottoman State

Assoc. Prof. Dr. S. Tufan Buzpınar [s.492-503]


The Bryce Report: British Propaganda and The Turks

Prof. Dr. Justin Mc Carthy [s.504-512]


Protestant Missionary Activities In Turkey During The Late Ottoman and The Early Republican Periods

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ömer Turan [s.513-519]


Dimensions of Ottoman Foreign Policy
Istanbul As an Important Centre of European Diplomacy (According to British Sources During The Period, 1792-1798)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Alaaddin Yalçınkaya [s.523-537]


Reformist Tradition and the Emergence of The Ottoman Foreign Ministry

Asst. Prof. Dr. Hamit Ersoy [s.538-544]


British Policy Towards The Ottoman Reforms

Mustafa Çufalı [s.545-552]


Islamic Reformism In a Periphery of The Ottoman World: Socio-Religious Links Between The Ottomans and The Malay World

Dr. Lik Arifin Mansurnoor [s.553-561]


The Activities of The Muslims Faction In The Russian State Duma In The Context of Russo-Turkish Relations (At The Beginning of The 20th Century)

Dr. Dilijara Usmanova [s.562-566]


The ottoman Policy of Bestowing Medals On and Paying Salaries to Foreign Journalists In The 19th Century

Çağrı Erhan [s.567-574]


Encouragement and Awarding In Ottoman State Administration

Birol Çetin [s.575-583]


An Assessment of The Missionary Activities In The Ottoman Empire: Examples From Two Centers

Asst. Prof. Dr. Erdal Açıkses [s.584-596]


The Sultan of The “Longest Century”: Abdülhamid II
The Reign of Abdülhamid II
Abdülhamid II (1842-1918): The 34th Ottoman Sultan (R. 1876-1909)

Prof. Dr. Engin Akarlı [s.601-611]


Abdülhamid II (1876-1909)

Prof. Dr. François Georgeon [s.612-620]


The Working System and The Ruling Perception of Abdülhamid II and His Relations With The Sublime Porte (Government)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Akyıldız [s.621-633]


Ottoman Misgivings Regarding The Acquisition of Land By Foreigners During The Reign of Abdülhamid II

Prof. Dr. Fikret Adanır [s.634-642]


Ottoman-Greek War and The Macedonian Policy of Greece (1897-1913)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat M. Hatipoğlu [s.643-651]


The Province of Eastern Rumelia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahir Aydın [s.652-658]


Abdülhamid II and His Pan-Islamic Policy In The East Asia

Prof. Dr. Hee Soo Lee [s.659-669]


The Second Constitutionalist Era: “II. Meşrutiyet”
İttihad ve Terakki (Union and Progress Committee) at The Edge of Decline
The Foundation of The Committee of Union and Progress and Its First Regulation (1895)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Birinci [s.675-681]


The Formation of Yildiz Document Investigation Commission, Its Activities and The Investigation of The Yildiz Palace After The Incident of March

Dr. Zekeriya Türkmen [s.682-690]


The Exertions For The Depoliticisation of The Military In The Second Constitutionalist Era (1908-1912)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Kemal Yakut [s.691-704]


The Bulgarian-Turkish Agreement Signed In Istanbul In 1913 and The Rights of The Turkish-Muslim Population In Bulgaria

Prof. Dr. Cengiz Hakov [s.705-708]


The Question of The Aegean Islands and Their Loss By Turkey

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Necdet Hayta [s.709-717]


Ottoman-Russian Rivalry In Eastern Anatolia and The Kurds

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suat Akgül [s.718-728]


The Last Years of The Empire
To Be an Imam: Empire and The Quest for Power In Ottoman Yemen During World War I

Dr. Isa Blumi [s.731-742]


Dangers and Effects of Nationalist-Bolshevik Cooperation In The East (According To The British Documents)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Neşe Özden [s.743-751]


Mustafa Kemal Pasha’s Activities In Sofia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cemalettin Taşkıran [s.752-754]




2. Cilt - Ekonomi ve Toplum


Ottoman Economy In The Classical Age
The Structure of The Ottoman Economy, Land Regime and Agriculture
The Outlines of The Structure of The Ottoman Economy

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Tabakoğlu [s.7-24]


Ottoman Land Administration

Asst. Prof. Dr. Yılmaz Kurt [s.25-31]


Agriculture In The Ottoman Classical Period

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Öz [s.32-40]


Guilds, Commerce and Fiscal Policy
Islamic Influences On The Ottoman Guilds

Prof. Dr. Timur Kuran [s.43-59]


The Ottomans and The World Trade: The Projects for The Return to Historical Wealth

Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Gündoğdu [s.60-65]


Ottoman Merchants In India at The End of The 14th Century

Prof. Dr. Halil Sahillioğlu [s.66-69]


Latin Economic Activity Within Ottoman Territory In The 14th and First Half of The 15th Centuries

Dr. Kate Fleet [s.70-74]


A Forgotten Balkan Elite: The Muslim Merchants and The Egyptian Commerce

Dr. Eyal Ginio [s.75-81]


Finance Documents and Ottoman History: Some Goals For The Next Millennium

Assoc Prof. Dr. Linda T. Darling [s.82-86]


Ottoman Taxation In The Hungarian Kingdom

Prof. Dr. Klara Hegyi [s.87-94]


Coinage In The Ottoman Empire

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oğuz Tekin [s.95-105]


Fiscal Transformation and Crisis
Ottoman Economy In The Face of Mercantilism
The Re-Assessment of The Price Revolution In The Ottoman Empire

Prof. Dr. Şevket Pamuk [s.111-119]


The Ottoman Empire, The Mediterranean, and The European World-Economy, C, 1560-1800

Prof. Dr. Immanuel Wallerstein [s.120-127]


The Evolution of Ottoman Domestic Loans From The 15th to The 19th Centuries

Prof. Dr. Murat Çizakça [s.128-131]


Privatizing The Empire: Pashas and Gentry During The Ottoman 18th Century

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ariel Salzmann [s.132-139]


Some Aspects of Ottoman Urban Economy
Restoration of Edirne Palace In The Era of Ahmed I

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Said Öztürk [s.143-147]


Crafts and Craftsmen In The Central Part of The Balkans In The First Half of The 19th Century

Dr. Svetlana Ianeva [s.148-155]


The Provision of Wood and Coal for Istanbul In The 18th Century

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salih Aynural [s.156-160]


The Ottoman Efforts of Industrialisation
The Developments of the Ottoman Industry and The Involvement of The State In The 18th Century

Mehmet Genç [s.163-167]


The Impact of The 19th -Century Capitalist World- Economy On The Formation of The Modern State In The Ottoman Empire

Dr. Recep Boztemur [s.168-174]


Manufacturing In The Ottoman Empire: 18th and 19th Centuries

Prof. Dr. Çaglar Keyder [s.175-184]


Ottoman Companies In The 16th and 17th Centuries

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fethi Gedikli [s.185-195]


Industrialization Efforts of The Ottoman Empire (19th Century)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Martal [s.196-203]


The Outcomes of Ahidnames and Capitulations
Ahidnames and Trade Pacts

Prof. Dr. Mübahat Kütükoğlu [s.207-219]


Trade and Merchants In The Ottoman-Polish Ahdnames (1489-1699)

Prof. Dr. Viorel Panaite [s.220-229]


A Reassessment of 1838 Trade Convention

Dr. Bülent Özdemir [s.230-241]


Formation of National Economy
Social Project In The 2nd Constitutional Period (Mesrutiyet): Solidarity, Profession and National Economy

Prof. Dr. Zafer Toprak [s.245-263]


From Empire to Republic: An Attempt to Create “Turkish-Muslim Bourgeoisie”

Prof. Dr. Ali Ihsan Bağış [s.264-268]


Müstehlik Degil Müstahsil, Not Consumers, But Producers: Ottoman Muslim Woman

Asst. Prof. Dr. Nicole Van Os [s.269-275]


The Ottoman Communications Structure In The Tanzimat Era

Prof. Dr. Nesimi Yazıcı [s.276-284]


Anatolian and Baghdad Railways

Prof. Dr. Murat Özyüksel [s.285-299]


The Realisation of a Dream: The Hejaz Railway Line

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ufuk Gülsoy [s.300-306]



The Structure of The Ottoman Society
An Outline of The Ottoman Society
Some Remarks On The Ottoman Classical System and Its Characteristics

Prof. Dr. Özer Ergenç [s.313-319]


The Ottoman Society During The Second Half of The 18th Century

Asst. Prof. Dr. Nahed Ibrahim Desouky [s.320-333]


Civilised and Modernised The Transformation of The Ottoman Vision of Society In The 19th Century

Yılmaz Çolak [s.334-347]


Townsmen, Villagers and Nomads
The Settled Life, Townsmen and Peasants In The Ottomans

Prof. Dr. Feridun M. Emecen [s.351-359]



Prof. Dr. İlhan Şahin [s.360-368]


Urbanisation In The 16th Century Ottoman Hungary

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Geza David [s.369-376]


The Millet System
Legal Basis of Living Together
Non-Muslim Communities Under The Ottoman Empire (Millet System)

Prof. Dr. Yavuz Ercan [s.381-391]


Bursa (It’s Conquest, Ethnic Structure and The Relationship Between Muslims and Non-Muslims)

Prof. Dr. Osman Çetin [s.392-398]


The Ottoman Empire: An Oriental Architect of Multiculturalism

Prof. Dr. Arshi Khan [s.399-405]


The Experience of Living Togetherness In The Ottoman Society
The Strange History of The Millet System

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Benjamin Braude [s.409-418]


A Local Perception of Plural Ottoman Society: Muslim, Orthodox and Jewish Communities of Salonica During The 1840s

Dr. Bülent Özdemir [s.419-427]


Muslim-Non Muslim Relations In The Ottoman Province of Cyprus (1750-1800)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Nuri Çevikel [s.428-437]


Religious and Ethnic Conflicts In Ottoman Syria During The Tanzimat Era

Prof. Dr. Moshe Ma’oz [s.438-444]


Jews and Greeks Under The Millet System
The Jewish Millet In The Ottoman Empire

Prof. Dr. Stanford Shaw [s.447-462]


From Subjects to Citizens: The Changing Status of Turkey’s Jewish Community

Prof. Dr. Aryeh Shmuelevitz [s.463-466]


Karamanlilar: The Turcophone Orthodoxs Population In Cappadocia

Dr. Evangelia Balta [s.467-471]


A Quest for Justice In a Mixed Society: The Turks and The Greek Cypriots Before The Sharia Court of Nicosia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kemal Çiçek [s.472-491]


Ottoman Society and Religious Life
Early Ottoman Sultans and The Bektashis

Prof. Dr. Irene Melikof [s.495-497]


Ahi Zaviyes In The Ottoman Empire

Kamil Çolak [s.498-504]


The Place of Religion In Social Life: The Nature of Ottoman Sufism

Dr. Mark Sedgwick [s.505-509]


Pilgrimage Narratives In Arabic and Persian Literature

Dr. Menderes Coşkun [s.510-525]


Demographic Structure, Migrations and The Policy of Settlement
The Structure of The Population of The Ottoman Empire (1300-1900)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Yunus Koç [s.531-548]


Using Consular Reports As Data Source: A Study On The Population of Salonica In The 1840s

Dr. Bülent Özdemir [s.549-554]


The Interference of Foreign Countries In The Ottoman Policy of Settling Immigrants at The end of 19th Century

Asst. Prof. Dr. Süleyman Erkan [s.555-574]


Settlement and Migrations
Colonisation and Inhabitation

Prof. Dr. Yusuf Halaçoğlu [s.577-583]


The Migrations from Caucasus and Crimea and The Ottoman Settlement Policy (1856-1876)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Saydam [s.584-593]


Policy of Immigrant Settlement of The Ottoman State In The 19th Century

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yılmaz [s.594-608]


Stamps of Contribution for Settlement of Immigrants (A Financing Method Applied In The Ottoman State for Expenditure of Immigrants)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Esat Sarıcaoğlu [s.609-616]


Immigrations to Anatolia During Balkan Wars and Their Results

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Halaçoğlu [s.617-625]


Ottoman Education System
Ottoman Education System and The Medrese In The Classical Period
Medrese Education In The Ottoman Empire

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fahri Unan [s.631-642]


Social Life In The Ottoman Medrese

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cihan [s.643-653]


Modernization In The Educational System
Education In The Ottoman Empire In The 19th Century

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Yolalıcı [s.657-661]


Reflections On The Secularisation of Education In The 19th Century Ottoman Empire: The Syrian Provinces

Prof. Dr. Habil Randi Deguilhem [s.662-668]


The First Ottoman Students In France at The Beginning of The 19th Century

Prof. Dr. Adnan Şişman [s.669-673]


Ottoman Family and Woman
Gendering Ottoman History

Dr. Ruth M. Roded [s.677-685]


Polygamy In The Ottoman Society

Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Kurt [s.686-695]


The Wealth of Ottoman Princesses During The Tulip Age

Prof. Dr. Fariba Zarinebaf-Shahr [s.696-701]


Women In Different Classes of Ottoman Society In The 16th and 17th Centuries

Feriha Karadeniz [s.702-706]


Children In The First Years of The Ottoman State

Prof. Dr. Refik Turan [s.707-713]


Ottoman Slavery and Female Slaves In The Early Modern Era

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Madeline C. Zilfi [s.714-718]


Ottoman City and City Life
Portraits of The Ottoman City
Is The Ottoman State a City State?

Prof. Dr. Tuncer Baykara [s.723-730]


Türk Evi (Turkish House) and The “Yaren” Tradition

Prof. Dr. Rüçhan Arık [s.731-741]


Reconstructing The Lives of Ottoman Armenians: 18th Century Artisans of Constantinople

Dr. Fatma Müge Göcek [s.742-749]


Beggars In the Ottoman Empire

Asst. Prof. Dr. Zeki Tekin [s.750-764]


Between Anarchy and Creavity. The Story of a Peripheral Town at The End of The Eighteenth and The Beginning of The Nineteenth Century

Teodara Bakardjieva [s.765-773]


The Great Conflagrations in The Ottoman Capital and Their Social Impacts

Kemalettin Kuzucu [s.774-788]


Labour And The State In The Ottoman Empire During The 19th Century

Prof. Dr. Donald Quataert [s.791-797]


Labour Relations of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the 19th And The Beginning Of The 20th Centuries

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Makal [s.798-820]



3. Cilt - Felsefe, Bilim ve Kurumlar


Ottoman Thought of World Domination
Ottoman Thought In The Classical Age
The Ottoman Thought In The Classical Age and The Tehafüt Ambition In The Ottomans

Prof. Dr. S. Hayri Bolay [s.5-23]


Civil Character In The Institutions of The Ottomans In The Classical Age and Their Effects On The Development of The State

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Oğuzoğlu [s.24-36]


Notes On The Thinkers of The Time of Osman Ghazi

Asst. Prof. Dr. Sezai Sevim [s.37-41]


Mahdi and Millennium: Messianic Dimensions In The Development of Ottoman Imperial Ideology

Prof. Dr. Cornell H. Fleischer [s.42-54]


The Ottoman Gazaname: Stylistic Influences On The Writing of Campaign Narratives

Dr. Christine Woodhead [s.55-60]


The Ottoman State As A Factor In The Socio-Political Formation of Europe

Dr. Tahsin Görgün [s.61-72]


Early Reforms
An Unknown Enlightenment Movement In The Ottoman Empire

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kazım Sarıkavak [s.77-82]


Müteferrika’s Printing Press: Some Observations

Dr. Hidayet Nuhoğlu [s.83-90]


Sultan Mahmud II and The Fez Revolution

Mehmet Lale [s.91-95]


Tanzimat: Breaking With The Tradition
The Tanzimat Charter and Mehmed Sadik Rifat Pasha

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mümtazer Türköne [s.99-110]


About The Beginning of French Orientalism and The Image of The “Other”

Dr. Raia Zaimova [s.111-116]


Mahmud II’s The Stoics Versus: Abdülhamid II’s ‘Philosophy-Religion Relations’

Prof. Dr. Mübahat Küyel [s.117-133]


The Yeni and The Eski Cultural Change and Envisioning The “Modern” In Late Ottoman Cartoons

Prof. Dr. Palmira Brummet [s.134-140]


From Absolutist Monarchy to Meşrutiyet
The Committee of The New Ottomans and The Beginning of The Debate On The Parliamentary System In Turkey

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azmi Özcan [s.143-154]


Internationals Within The Framework of Ottoman Constitutionalism

Prof. Dr. Bülent Tanör [s.155-161]


Ottoman Modernization and Tunuslu Hayreddin Pasha

Dr. Mehmet Akif Kireçci [s.162-165]


Some Notes On The Roots of Turkish Constitutionalism

Dr. Zühtü Arslan [s.166-175]


From “Osmanlı” To National Identity
Emergence of Pan-Islamism, Pan-Turkism and Turkish Nationalism
The Ottomans and The Caliphate

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azmi Özcan [s.181-191]


Cultural and Political Pan-Turkism

Prof. Dr. Jacob Landau [s.192-195]


The Emergence of Turkish Nationalism Under The Ottoman Empire

Asst. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Sarınay [s.196-206]


Illegal Young Turks Publicist Writings (Late 19th-Early 20th Centuries)

Prof. Dr. Yuri A. Petrosyan [s.207-215]


Ottoman Legacy and The Turkish Republic
Ottoman Legacy
The Ottoman Roots of The Turkish Republic

Prof. Dr. Bernard Lewis [s.221-228]


Modern Turkey and The Ottoman Legacy

Prof. Dr. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoğlu [s.229-240]


The Balkans and The Ottoman Inheritance

Prof. Dr. İlber Ortaylı [s.241-245]


Ottoman Legacy In Turkey

Prof. Dr. Ercüment Kuran [s.246-247]


The Most Important Ottoman Inheritance: Turkish Society

Prof. Dr. Bahaeddin Yediyıldız [s.248-252]


The Anatomy of An Economic Heritage From The Ottoman State To The Republic of Turkey

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Güner Sayar [s.253-258]


Islam, The Troublesome Heritage of The Ottoman Empire (A Trial of A Problematic Approach)

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Yaşar Ocak [s.259-270]


The Social Character of The Ottomans In The Period of Recession and Collapse

Dr. Vejdi Bilgin [s.271-277]


Present Historiography On The Ottoman State
The Place of The Ottomans In World History: Methodological Questions and A Reinterpretation of Ottoman History

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Davutoğlu [s.281-289]


Attitudes Toward The Ottomans In Egyptian Historiography During The Ottoman Rule

Prof. Dr. Michael Winter [s.290-299]


The Ottoman Heritage and The Complexities of The Balkan Historiographies (Formation of Muslim Balkan Communities)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Antonina Zhelyazkova [s.300-313]



An Overview of Ottoman History of Science
An Overview of Ottoman Scientific Activities

Prof. Dr. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoğlu [s.319-328]


The Evolution of The Geocultural Space of Ottoman Science (Its Extension, Differentiation and Colonisation)

Dr. Nacer Miloudi [s.329-338]


The Ottoman Ulema

Prof. Dr. Mehmet İpşirli [s.339-347]


Matrakçi Nasuh: The Famous Knight, Scientist and Artist of The Period of Süleyman The Magnificent

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gazi Yurdaydın [s.348-356]


Islamic Scholarship Between Imperial Center and Provinces In The 18th Century: The Case of Murtada Al-Zabidi (D. 1205-1791) and His Ottoman Contacts

Prof. Dr. Stefan Reichmuth [s.357-365]


Historiography and Geography
The Ottoman Historiography

Prof. Dr. Mehmet İpşirli [s.369-378]


On Ottoman History Text-Books and Reform (1839-1918)

Dr. Betül Başaran-Alpugan [s.379-388]


Ottoman State and Ahmet Cevdet Pasha’s History

Prof. Dr. Beşir Atalay [s.389-404]


Geography In The Ottoman Empire

Prof. Dr. Ramazan Şeşen [s.405-409]


Mathematics, Astronomy, Biology
Mathematics In Ottoman Empire

Prof. Dr. Mehmet. H. Oryan [s.413-418]


Decimal Trigonometric Tables In The Work of Takiyüddin “Ceride El-Dürer ve Haride El-Fiker” (Preparation and Use)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Remzi Demir [s.419-430]


The Birth and Development of Modern Botany In The Ottoman Turkey

Prof. Dr. Asuman Baytop [s.431-443]


Medical Sciences
The Place and The Importance of Misir Çarsisi (Spice Bazaar) In Ottoman-Turkish Medicine

Prof. Dr. Aysegül D. Erdemir [s.447-454]


The Ottoman-Turkish Dentistry

Prof. Dr. İlter Uzel [s.455-470]


The Importance of Pharmacy and The Free Dispensation of Medicines To The Public Within The Ottoman Health System

Prof. Dr. Bayhan Çubukçu [s.471-477]


Three Sciences, Three Options For The Knowledge Transfer In The Late Ottoman Turkey: Zoology, Chemistry, Geography

Prof. Dr. Klaus Kreiser [s.481-486]


The Metric System In Turkey

Prof. Dr. Feza Günergun [s.487-491]



Ottoman Administrative History
Ottoman Central Administration
From The Divan-i Hümayun (Imperial Council) To The Meclis-i Mebusan (House of Deputies) Legislation In The Ottoman Empire

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet V. Seyidanlıoğlu [s.499-505]


The Institution of The Imperial Council (Divan-i Hümayun)

Dr. Recep Ahıshalı [s.506-516]


Ottoman Peripherial Organisation
Provincial Organization of The Ottoman Empire In Pre-Tanzimat Period

Prof. Dr. Nejat Göyünç [s.519-532]


The Anatolian Province-General: The Establishment and The Historical Evolution

Prof. Dr. M. Çetin Varlık [s.533-539]


The Development of The Use of “Kurdistan” As A Geographical Description and The Incorporation of This Region Into The Ottoman Empire In The 16th Century

Baki Tezcan [s.540-553]


The Consequences of The Weakening of Centralized State Structure: Ayanlik System and Great Dynasties

Prof. Dr. Yücel Özkaya [s.554-562]


The Age of Ayans In The History of The Ottoman State

Prof. Dr. Özcan Mert [s.563-570]


Administrative Reforms In The Tanzimat Period

Prof. Dr. Musa Çadırcı [s.573-589]


Municipal Services In The Ottoman Empire Before The Period of Tanzimat (Reforms)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlhan Yerlikaya [s.590-604]


The Bureaucracy In The Ottoman State
The Ottoman Administration and The Problem of Interpreters

Prof. Dr. Gilles Veinstein [s.607-615]


A Brief Comparison of The Roman and The Ottoman Administrative Organisation and The Hierarchy of Officials

Asst. Prof. Dr. Hatice Palaz-Erdemir [s.616-622]


Is Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa the Beginning of Modern Turkish Intelligence?

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamit Pehlivanlı [s.623-633]


Ottoman Legal System
An Overview of Ottoman Legal System
The Functioning of The Judiciary In The Ottoman Empire

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdülaziz Bayındır [s.639-656]


The “Kanunname of Mehmed II:” A Different Perspective

Baki Tezcan [s.657-665]


The Sectarian Preference In The Ottoman Jurisprudence

Prof. Dr. Hayrettin Karaman [s.666-675]


The Judicial Privileges of Foreigners In The Ottoman Empire

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasemin Saner Gönen [s.676-688]


Ottoman Law and Its Transformation
Reception and Constitutional System

Dr. Christian Rumph [s.691-704]


The Codification of The Islamic-Ottoman Family Law and The Decree of “Hukuk-i Aile”

Prof. Dr. M. Akif Aydın [s.705-713]


Ottoman Military
Ottoman Military Organization, Arms, War Industry and Technology
Ottoman Military Organization

Prof. Dr. Abdülkadir Özcan [s.719-726]


Fire Arms In The Ottoman State

Prof. Dr. Mücteba Ilgürel [s.727-734]


Ottoman Maritime Arsenals and Ship-Building Technology In The 16th and 17th Centuries

Prof. Dr. İdris Bostan [s.735-744]


Mehmed The Conqueror and Fire-Arms Technology

Dr. Salim Aydüz [s.745-749]


The Janissary Corps In The Late 16th and – Early 17th Century: The First Attempt At Military Reform In The Ottoman Empire

Dr. Irina Petrosyan [s.750-760]


Ottoman Wakf System
Turkish Wakfs or Turkish System of Charities In The Ottoman Era

Prof. Dr. Bahaeddin Yediyıldız [s.763-789]


The Wakf In The Ottoman Period: A Social Policy Perspective

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nazif Öztürk [s.790-800]


Wakf Institutions In Bosnian Sancak Until The Beginning of The 17th Century

Hatidza Car-Drnda [s.801-812]



4. Cilt - Kültür ve Sanat

Cultural Life In Ottoman Civilisation
The Ideology of The Sultanate and Ottoman Art

Prof. Dr. Filiz Yenişehirlioğlu [s.3-8]


Emir Sultan and His Erguvan Fasli

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Algül [s.9-18]


The Ottoman Shahzadah (Price’s) Sanjaks

Prof. Dr. Mustafa İsen [s.19-29]


Reception of Turkish Culture and Art In Poland

Prof. Dr. Tadeusz Majda [s.30-35]


The Ottomans and The Islamic Sacred Relics

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Süleyman Beyoğlu [s.36-44]


The Kinds, Subject and Nature of The ‘Surname’s

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Arslan [s.45-68]


The Role of Dervish Lodges In The Development of Turkish Culture

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saim Savaş [s.69-77]


The Clothing of Ottoman Women

Dr. Sevgi Gürtuna [s.78-92]


Ottoman Cuisine

Nevin Halıcı [s.93-103]


The Turks In Croatian During The Ottoman Period

Prof. Dr. Yusuf Hamzaoğlu [s.104-112]


Cumanian Anthroponymics In Bulgaria During The 15th Century

Prof. Dr. Valery Stoyanov [s.113-126]


Language: Ottoman Turkish
Ottoman Turkish

Prof. Dr. Ahmet B. Ercilasun [s.129-138]


Ottoman Turkish In Pre-Ottoman Anatolia

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Özkan [s.139-151]


The 19th Century Ottoman Turkish Language

Prof. Dr. İsmail Parlatır [s.152-166]


Esperanto In The Ottoman Empire The First Artifical Language “Balaybelen”

Dr. Mustafa Koç [s.167-172]


Ottoman Literature
The Poetry of 700 Years

Prof. Dr. İskender Pala [s.175-184]


A View On Turkish Literature of The Ottoman Period In Terms of Commons of Folk and Divan Literatures

Prof. Dr. Cemal Kurnaz [s.185-198]


The Century of Style and Deep Meaning In Literature: The 17th Century

Prof. Dr. Namık Açıkgöz [s.199-209]


Some Significant Aspects of The Lale Devri (Tulip Era): 1718-1730

Asst. Prof. Dr. Cemal Bayak [s.210-222]


Literature As The Reflecting Area of New Ideas (1859-1923)

Prof. Dr. İnci Enginün [s.223-236]


The Tradition of Letter Writing In The Ottoman State

Asst. Prof. Dr. I. Çetin. Derdiyok [s.237-248]


Female Poets In Ottomans

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nazan Bekiroğlu [s.249-260]


The Concept of Aesthetics Among The Ottomans
A Review of The Ottoman World of Aesthetic

Beşir Ayvazoğlu [s.263-275]


An Essay On The Aesthetics In Ottoman City

Prof. Dr. Sadettin Ökten [s.276-286]


Ottoman Aesthetics

Prof. Dr. Jale N. Erzen [s.287-298]


Ottoman Architecture
A General View of Ottoman Turkish Arthitecture
Turkish Architecture In Ottoman Era

Prof. Dr. Semavi Eyice [s.303-322]


A General View To The Development of Ottoman Architecture

Prof. Dr. M. Oluş Arık [s.323-337]


Ottoman Medreses

Prof. Dr. Zeynep Ahunbay [s.338-345]


The Architectural Style of Castles During The Ottoman Period

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali Boran [s.346-363]


The Darüssifas In The Ottoman Period

Prof. Dr. Gönül Çantay [s.364-373]


Anatolia Clock Towers

Prof. Dr. Hakkı Acun [s.374-379]


Menzil Roads and Menzil Complexes In The Ottoman Empire

Asst. Prof. Dr. Fatih Müderrisoğlu [s.380-388]


Turkish House, Ottoman House

Prof. Dr. Haşim Karpuz [s.389-396]


Kitchen As A Residential Area In Anatolian Turkish Architecture and Examples of Ottoman Era

Asst. Prof. Dr. Emine Karpuz [s.397-403]


The Sebils in the Ottoman Architecture

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nur Urfaloğlu [s.404-409]


The Sebils In The Ottoman Architecture

Prof. Dr. Ömür Bakırer [s.410-420]


The Golden Age of Ottoman Architecture and Mimar Sinan
Ottoman Architecture In The Classical Period

Prof. Dr. Abdüsselam Uluçam [s.423-449]



Prof. Dr. Doğan Kuban [s.450-463]


The Place of ‘Hassa Architects Guild’: Its In The Development of Ottoman Architecture

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeki Sönmez [s.464-470]


City Architects In Ottoman Architecture

Dr. Abdülkadir Dündar [s.471-479]


The Modular System In Mimar Sinan’s Works of Arts and Ebced Accounting

Prof. Dr. İsmail Yakıt [s.480-485]


Acoustic Solutions In Classic Ottoman Architecture

Prof. Dr. Mutbul Kayılı [s.486-493]


The Relationship of Architectural Design and Mathematics In The Works of Mimar Sinan

Zafer Sagdıç [s.494-497]


The Ottoman Architecture In The Balkans

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ibrahimgil [s.498-510]


The Influence of Ottoman Architecture On Mosques of Aleppo

Dr. Najwa Othman [s.511-525]


Ottoman Architecture In North Africa

Asst. Prof. Dr. Kadir Pektaş [s.526-532]


Turkish Musical Theory and Musicians
The Turkish Music and Instruments In The ottoman State

Ethem Ruhi Üngör [s.535-547]


Musicians In The Ottoman Empire and Central Asia In The 15th Century According To An Unknown Work of Aydinli Semseddin Nahifi

Dr. Recep Uslu [s.548-555]


A Glance At Sufi Music In The History of Ottoman Music

Ömer Tuğrul İnancer [s.556-561]


The Concept of Ottoman Fasil

Dr. Eugenia Popescu-Judetz [s.562-570]


Classical Western Music In The Ottoman Empire

Vedat Kosal [s.571-586]


Poet and Composer Ottoman Sultans

Osman Nuri Özpekel [s.587-608]


Music In The Tanzimat Era Sultans and Their Music Understandings

Gülay Karamahmutoğlu [s.609-620]


Janissary Music

Sbylee Tura [s.621-626]


Ney and Ney-Players In The 18th Century

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Süleyman Erguner [s.627-642]


The Prince Musician Kantemiroglu

Dr. Eugenia Popescu-Judetz [s.643-650]


The Tradition of Turkish Music Therapy

Asst. Prof. Dr. Rahmi Oruç Güvenç [s.651-656]


Traditional Ottoman Arts
The Ottoman Calligraphy

Prof. Dr. h.c. M. Uğur Derman [s.659-668]


The Art of Illumination In The Ottomans

Prof. Dr. Zeren Tanındı [s.669-675]


The Arts of Tezhip (Gilding) In The Ottoman Centuries With Its Styles And Artists

Assoc. Prof. Dr. F. Çiçek Derman [s.676-690]


The Ottoman Miniature Painting

Prof. Dr. Oktay Aslanapa [s.691-700]


Ebru Art of Marbling

Hikmet Barutçugil [s.701-706]


Tiles In The Early Ottoman Empire

Prof. Dr. Gönül Öney [s.707-714]


Iznik In The Ottoman Tile Manufacturing

Prof. Dr. Ara Altun [s.715-722]


The Art of Metalwork In The Ottomans

Prof. Dr. Tercan Yılmaz [s.723-729]


The Ottoman Jewellery

Asst. Prof. Dr. Aygün Ülgen [s.730-748]


Painted Ottoman Decoration

Prof. Dr. Yıldız Demiriz [s.749-755]


An Ottoman Art Kept Alive In Morocco: Nahil-Work (WaxWork Tree Decoration)

Prof. Dr. Metin Akar [s.756-763]


The Carpets In The ottoman Period

Prof. Dr. Bekir Deniz [s.764-780]


Ottoman Plastic Arts
Portraiture of The Ottoman Sultans

Prof. Dr. Günsel Renda [s.783-791]


The Ottomans In 18th and 19th Century European Art Turquerie and Orientalism

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seyfi Başkan [s.792-805]


An Outline of The Development of Sculpture In The Ottoman Empire

Dr. Kıymet Giray [s.806-811]


Photography In Ottoman Empire

Engin Özendes [s.812-826]


Ottoman Drama
Major Festivities Organized During The Reign of Mahmud II

Prof. Dr. Özdemir Nutku [s.829-840]


The Traditional Turkish Theatre

Asst. Prof. Dr. Dilaver Düzgün [s.841-853]


From Darülbedayi To The City Theatres of Istanbul

Prof. Dr. Özdemir Nutku [s.854-864]


Libraries and Books In The Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman Libraries and The Ottoman Librarian Tradition

Prof. Dr. İsmail E. Erünsal [s.867-885]


Second Hand Book Sellers And Travellers Bookselling In The Ottoman State

Yahya Erdem [s.886-896]


The Book In Ottoman Family

Asst. Dr. Fahri Sakal [s.897-903]


Index of Authors
